
  • 全部一緒にやっちゃお(^^♪<セットでお得割>


    今月からでたセットでお得割!! バッテリー交換、画面修理、ガラスコーティング、生活防水テープと全部出来ちゃう!! それぞれ1つずつやっていたら結構値段いってたなんてありますよね?? それがいっきに出来てしかもお得!(⋈◍>◡<◍)。 こんなセット割今だけかも?!なくなる前にぜひ当店へ!! ご来店お待ちし……
  • Why iPhone wins in the Japanese smartphone market.

    Why iPhone wins in the Japanese smartphone market.

    There are 2 billion iPhones in circulation worldwide, and in the Japanese smartphone market, iPhone boasts an astonishing 70% of the market share, which is unma……
  • About the iOS update.

    About the iOS update.

    It's that time of year when Apple launches a series of new models of its flagship products, such as the iPhone, that are the talk of the town. This year, the i……
  • 12月もお得です!!


    当店、スマートクール各務原店ではさまざまな各種割引がございます! SNS割り、シルバー割、学割、従業員割etc... その中でも今回紹介するのは?! 12月限定「セット割」 修理に加えガラスコーティングをして頂けると500引き!! 他の割引と併用して最大2000引き!! こんなこと12月だけかも?!……
  • The situation with the iPhone display.

    The situation with the iPhone display.

    Apple has long been aware of the durability flaws in traditional iPhones and has been working to improve them. As evidence of this, the company has repeatedly ……
  • Even the iPhone is an anti-virus age!

    Even the iPhone is an anti-virus age!

    Seven months have passed since the explosion of the new pneumonia outbreak. Since the declaration of the pandemic, our lives have changed dramatically. Fear a……
  • About lithium-ion batteries.

    About lithium-ion batteries.

    The battery used in iPhone is a lithium-ion battery developed by Sony Energy Devices in Japan. The battery is currently manufactured and developed by Apple its……
  • About the iPhone battery.

    About the iPhone battery.

    The iPhone is an easy-to-use device, our flagship product, and it's the battery, a complex piece of technology, that makes it possible. All rechargeable batter……
  • ついでにやっちゃお♪バッテリーor画面交換!!


      バッテリー交換で来られたお客様また画面交換で来られたお客様!! 同時に交換しませんか?? 画面にヒビは入ってないですか?バッテリーは劣化してないですか? 2回開けるリスクよりも1回で交換してしまい不自由なく使いませんか?! セットでしてくれたお客様には、1000円の割引を致します!! リス……



